Single & Multiple Implants

Single & Multiple Implants

Dental Implants are great for replacing single or multiple missing teeth, locking your dentures into place, or giving you a permanent and aesthetic replacement of all teeth. Feel like you have your own teeth back again! Achieve a confident smile with our single and multiple dental implant services at Dr. Helen Dental Clinic. Whether you need a single tooth implant or multiple tooth implants, our expert team ensures precise tooth transplants for natural-looking results.

All about Dental Implants

If you are missing one or more teeth, then dental implants may be the answer. They are also the simplest and easiest way to replace problem teeth, they look natural and work as intended.

We understand the pain and frustration that you may be experiencing from having broken or missing teeth. Dr Helen is committed to repairing your natural teeth, but this is not always an option. So whether you’ve lost or damaged a tooth due to decay, injury, gum disease, or another factor, the best option for you may be a single implant or multiple dental implants.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a titanium “root” used to support a porcelain tooth replica or a group of teeth. A typical implant consists of a fixture made of commercially pure titanium, which after three months, fuses to your jaw bone, in much the same way a replacement hip or knee does. A porcelain tooth (or teeth) is then attached to the implant or denture, locking it into place.

Should I get dental implants?

When considering dental implant surgery, most patients are unaware that their dentist will most likely refer them to one or more specialists at different stages of their treatment. This can be time-consuming, expensive and stressful. For long-term success, it’s important that the dentist you select to fit your implants understands and is qualified to handle all phases of implant treatment. As a graduate of the Brener Implant Institute, Dr Helen is extensively trained to perform all aspects of implant dentistry and with her surgical team can offer a solution that’s right for you. Some things to consider:

  • Dental implants provide many advantages over dentures.
  • Dentures can easily move or break, whereas dental implants are fixed into your jaw-bone.
  • Implants look and feel like natural teeth, restoring a beautiful smile and your ability to chew.
  • Implants provide a long-lasting, permanent solution to missing teeth.
  • Implants help support adjacent natural teeth from moving, preventing alignment problems.
  • Implants support and preserve bone in your mouth, unlike dentures, which can result in bone loss.

Are you ready to have confidence in your smile once again? Dr Helen can help to restore your smile with dental implants.



Which dental implant solution is right for you?

Dr. Helen can assist you in selecting the right dental implant solution for your needs. Typically, most patients decide on a dental implant solution that falls under one of three categories.

Single Dental Implant

A single tooth implant

Multiple tooth implants


Full-mouth dental implants / Total teeth replacement

If you are missing a single tooth, or need to replace a damaged or rotten tooth, a single tooth dental implant may be the best approach. The process involves removal of your existing tooth and replacement with a titanium dental implant. This is then used to support a natural-looking porcelain tooth replica. Your adjacent natural teeth remain untouched.

If you have one or more non-adjacent teeth that need replacing, then multiple tooth implants are placed using the same approach as above.

If you require a full set of upper or lower replacement teeth, full mouth dental implants may be the solution for you. This a full bridge of permanent replacement teeth fixed on 4 or 6 implants.

Do I need dental implants?

If you are still considering dental implants, here are some more good reasons why they might be the right choice for you:

  • You have lost one or more of your original teeth.
  • You’re tired of wearing dentures, find dentures uncomfortable and they affect your mouth mobility.
  • You experience difficulty eating, particularly foods that require significant chewing.
  • Your teeth seem to be moving or do not line up
  • You want to improve your smile and feel comfortable showing your teeth.
  • You have missing teeth that are affecting how you sound when you talk.
  • Your teeth have changed your facial appearance.
  • You have receding gums or gum disease.

If you are missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or are wearing dentures, contact the studio to discuss your options with Dr Helen.

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Benefits of Dental Implants

There are so many benefits to restoring your mouth with dental implants.  Here are some of our favourites.

You can eat anything you want with implants.

Implants are secured in the bone beneath the gum just like your natural teeth, which means they can withstand the force of chewing things that dentures can’t—nuts, crunchy fruits and vegetables, you name it! Chewing hard foods can be painful on dentures because they’re supported by your gum and not the bone, and it can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on remaining teeth who have to bear the brunt of the chewing duty.

Implants can actually be more cost-effective than a denture.

The cost of dental implants may seem considerably higher when compared to the cost of a denture. However, even great dentures wear down and often need to be repaired every few years. Most people replace their dentures every ten years or so. Implants don’t generally need repair or replacement as they’re surgically inserted into bone–saving you thousands in a lifetime, especially if only one or two teeth need an implant.

Implants don’t cause ulcers or rubbing.

Implant surgery is done under local or general anaesthesia, and once healed, feel like natural teeth. Dentures often rub and pinch, causing painful ulcers that can affect eating, speaking, and everyday life.

Dental Implants look natural

The process of dental implantology has advanced greatly in recent years, such that the materials and process used results in teeth that look almost identical to natural teeth.

Implants improve your smile and facial appearance

Clearly patients are looking forward to smiling once again with a full set of beautiful and natural-looking teeth, that fills in tooth or teeth gaps or replace dentures and damaged teeth.

Implants will also mean that Dr Helen will have had the opportunity to customise the size and shape of your new teeth, to align with and fit your jaw, resulting in improved oral hygiene, as well as improvements in jaw and gum health.

How Much Does it Cost?

One implant tooth replacement

$5000 - $5500 (EACH)

Two or more teeth replacement

$4500 - $5500 (EACH)

All on X (Upper or Lower)

$25000 - $30000

How long will it take to get dental implants?

A common question we get asked by our patients trying to decide the best timeframe to plan their implant surgery is how long they can expect to be off work after implant surgery. It’s a great question, and most patients are surprised to hear that in some cases, they can expect to go back to work the very next day!

The recovery time varies depending on what type of implant surgery is being done and how extensive it is. For individual dental implants or bone grafting surgery, the surgery is minimally invasive and patients can return to work the next day with little to no discomfort.

For bigger procedures, such as complete teeth replacement or other implant procedures where we replace all teeth with implants and fixed bridges, we generally recommend that a patient takes about a week off of work. There can be bruising and swelling after the surgery, as well as some minor recovery expected after being under general anaesthesia if required.

The good news is that we prescribe medications before the surgery that help alleviate any pain, swelling and discomfort during the healing time, making the recovery time as easy as possible on our patients.

Please click on the FAQ links below to view.

If your question is not answered below you can contact Dr Helen directly with your question by filling out our enquiry form here.

Are all dental implants successful?

Implants have a very high chance of success in a healthy patient who takes care of their general and dental health. There are, however, some factors that can compromise the successful placing of an implant. These include medical disease, excessive smoking or alcohol consumption and poor diet or dental hygiene.

Will Implants Last a Lifetime?

With good care, there is a very high chance an implant will last a lifetime.

Is Age a Deterrent?

Health is the determining factor, not age. In fact implants are most often needed later in life after losing some teeth.

Is it Expensive?

Implant procedures vary in complexity and extent. Depending on the patient’s dental and medical circumstances, implant procedures can involve a significant financial outlay. I have a high success rate and many very satisfied patients.

Will My Health Fund Pay?

This will depend on the level of your cover. We are happy to make enquiries on your behalf with your individual health fund.

Will there be Discomfort?

As with any surgery, there can be some degree of pain or discomfort. However, modern anaesthetics virtually eliminate all pain during and after the procedure.

How much time will it take?

This depends on your individual circumstances and the extent of work involved. There will usually be a series of procedures and follow-up visits over a period of some months.

How long will I be off work?

Generally patients can resume work the day after the procedure. In some cases you may experience some swelling, discomfort, or minor bruising.

In recent years, to meet market demands and reduce fees, many dentists have turned to lower quality, often overseas made implants. As a result, we are seeing higher failure rates, poorly fitting crowns and less aesthetically pleasing results.

When you shop around for best prices, you will find a dramatic variation in fees between dentists. Most people aren’t aware of how low prices are achieved. Several factors need to be considered in making your choice.

What is an implant?

A dental implant is a titanium “root” used to support a porcelain tooth replica or a group of teeth. A typical implant consists of a fixture made of commercially pure titanium, which after three months fuses to your jaw bone, much like a replacement hip or knee would. A porcelain tooth or teeth is then attached to the implant or denture, locking it into place.

Implant success and technical considerations

Generally a well-planned and expertly executed implant procedure has success rates in the order of 98% and most people could expect a dental implant to last for life. Implants rely on their support from adequate bone thickness and quality. However, a poorly placed or angulated implant or an implant squeezed into an area of insufficient bone, to save you money, has high risk of failure. Implants don’t fail quickly. They can take 10 years to deteriorate. Unfortunately as they fail slowly and painlessly they can cause bone dissolution at the same time. At the time of failure, there is usually insufficient bone to replace it and reparative procedures will cost you thousands, negating any savings you would’ve made in the first place. When people need a hip replacement or a kidney operation, they usually look for a good surgeon. It is important to understand that implants are not a commodity, but a delicate surgical procedure that needs to be performed by a highly qualified surgeon for long term success.

Despite popular belief, implant brand rarely determines the success of the procedure. Most modern, well respected brands manufacture high quality implants. Success is in the hands of the operator.

Implant supported crown

The tooth replica or the crown also needs to satisfy a number of requirements. It needs to be proportionate to the length and size of your implant as to not overload it and be made of high quality pure materials to prevent fractures and corrosion. It also must look like a natural tooth and fit snugly between adjacent teeth so there are no hard-to-reach areas where food can become trapped and cause infection. It must also satisfy comfort and functionality requirements.

All of this might sound quite straightforward, but in fact a crown is a well-crafted piece of dental engineering requiring great technical skill and talent on the part of both dentist and the dental technician. Great care, skill, time and honesty will determine whether you end up with a superior long-term result or a mediocre crown. The laboratory technician needs to be up-to-date with modern methods of manufacture, and comfortable working with the latest materials. These technicians are hard to come by even in Australia and their work is not cheap.


When considering implant treatment, most patients are unaware that they will most likely be referred by their dentist to one or more specialists at different stages of their treatment. This can be time consuming, expensive and stressful. For long-term success, it’s important that the dentist you select to do your implants understands, and is qualified to handle all aspects of implant treatment.

Even more alarming is the trend of going overseas to have dental treatment done. We receive several phone calls a week from people with overseas-made disasters. Once again you will reap immediate savings but after numerous trips, airfares, the cost will often come close to what you’d expect to pay in Australia. There are many skilled surgeons around the world. However, if you have any complications such as infection, crown loosening or failure, there is often no one equipped to deal with these conditions in Australia as systems used overseas are often different. Also, financially it is entirely your responsibility.


Most people are unaware that some dentist send their work directly to China; cutting out the middle man. Others use local Australian laboratories that outsource work to China. This creates the impression that the work is Australian made when it’s not.

Metals and porcelain used for veneers and crowns vary greatly in quality. This information is not freely available to the public, but to somebody who is having the procedure done, this can mean the difference is between success and failure. In addition, lead contamination has been implicated in overseas made crowns. As with most things, quality will be reflected in price.

I always encourage people to do their own research. However, no matter how thorough your research is, results are entirely in the hands of the professionals you choose.


When selecting a dentist to do your implants, be cautious and don’t let the lowest price influence you. Please consider all variables when evaluating value for money, such as the integrity and skill of the practitioner and technician, in addition to the quality of materials. Long term success should always drive your decision.

For stringent quality control, our work is crafted by a leading Australian laboratory from superior materials to ensure that what goes into your mouth is of the highest standard.”

If you have any further questions or concerns, please call our office on 9510 5597. With extensive training and experience in implant procedures, we will assist you in making your decision.

About Dr Helen

With over 20 years of experience, Dr Helen’s work has restored the smiles of countless patients, even the ones who had lost all faith in their teeth.

She opened up her East Prahran Studio in 2008 after working across regional Victoria and gaining broad experience in emergency, surgical and cosmetic dentistry.

Her aim is to always provide gentle care with the highest quality outcomes for patients. From the first consultation, right through to post-op care, she ensures she is there for every patient.

Indicative Pricing

We would like you to be well informed, so we have put together a rough fee guide. However, each treatment is based on individual needs and requirements, and we will prepare a customised treatment plan for you after your initial consultation.